China Sign Two 20-Year LNG Gas Deals With Venture Global


LNG vessel on the water

CHINA: Two 20-year LNG Sales and Purchase Agreements have been signed between Venture Global LNG and China Gas Holdings Limited, a leading natural gas operator in China.

China Gas will purchase 1 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG from Plaquemines LNG on a free-on-board basis and 1 MTPA from the CP2 LNG export facility, both in Louisiana.

“As a major participant in China’s energy market, we are committed to providing Chinese customers with reliable and low-carbon LNG,” stated Mr. Liu Minghui, Chairman and President of China Gas. These two SPAs improve China Gas’s supply capability and add volume to our LNG portfolio.

Also Read : China To Seal Most LNG Purchase Agreements of Any Country

“Through relentless execution and innovation, our company will continue to bring much needed new capacity to the global LNG market, supporting energy security and environmental progress both in Asia and Europe,”

It Sated Mike Sabel, chief executive officer of Venture Global LNG. Importantly, the low-cost LNG that is delivered to the region will speed up the switch to alternative fuels and reduce carbon emissions , significantly contributing to China’s and the world’s existing climate goals.