America Agreed To Reinvigorate And Revitalize Trade And Business Relationships

ISLAMABAD:The United States and Pakistan agreed on Tuesday to reinvigorate and revitalize trade and business relationships to enhance bilateral trade and investment.

It was decided during a meeting under Pakistan-United States Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) held in Islamabad, said a press release issued by the Ministry of Commerce here.

Federal Secretary Commerce, Muhammad Sualeh Ahmad Faruqui, co-chaired the meeting along with Christopher Wilson, Assistant United States Trade Representative (AUSTR) for South and Central Asia.

Secretary Commerce appreciated the visit of AUSTR which is coinciding with the 75th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between Pakistan and the USA.

Mr. Wilson acknowledged the longstanding and robust relationship between the two countries and hoped that this visit further strengthens the trade ties between the two countries.

Pakistan and the USA discussed a wide array of issues aiming to foster bilateral trade and investment, cooperation in agriculture, textile, and healthcare sectors, promoting digital trade and e-commerce, protecting intellectual property, promoting labor rights, and economic empowerment of women.
It was agreed to further strengthen bilateral relations, and to take steps to enhance trade and economic cooperation.

Pakistan and USA would work to support more business-to-business contacts and interaction between the governmental organizations.

Officers of various Ministries and public organizations like Ministry of Foreign Affairs, M/o OPHRD, M/o Climate Change, Power Division, M/o National Food Security & Research, M/o Information Technology, DRAP, BOI, AEDB and SBP also participated in the meeting.

Source : A P P

About Haroon Khawaja

Haroon Khawaja Is a Journalist & CEO Of B-Trams , Ex Reporter At Geo News

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