Asian Development Bank Lauded For Enhanced Support To Pakistan

ISLAMABAD(APP /B -Trams ): Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Omar Ayub Khan here on Monday appreciated the Asian Development Bank’s enhanced support for Pakistan.

During a meeting with ADB Vice President, Shixin Chen, the federal minister said that currently thirty seven ADB-funded projects worth $7.9 billion were under implementation.

He said, during the current fiscal year, ADB disbursed $ 1.1 billion whereas seven new projects amounting to $ 2 billion have been signed.

The Minister also shared the development priorities of the government with ADB team including road networks, digital connectivity, technical education, climate change and domestic resource mobilization.

On the occasion, Shixin Chen acknowledged the government’s efforts for reforms in trade, energy and capital markets.

He also commended the government’s successful response against COVID -19 including free vaccination, social protection and relief measures for general public, agriculture & industry.

On the occasion, ADB’s technical and financial assistance for Pakistan including ongoing portfolio and priority areas for future interventions was also discussed.