Rs. 9.502 Trillion Federal Budget 2022-23 At Glance

btrams pakistan budget

ISLAMABAD: The federal government on Friday presented a proposed budget of Rs. 9.502 trillion for the fiscal year 2022-23.

Following is the breakup of resources and expenditure for federal budget 2022-23:-

TOTAL RESOURCES (I to V): Rs. In Billion:  9,502

(FBR) – Federal Consolidated Fund:  7,004

Non-Tax Revenue: 2,000

a) Gross Revenue Receipts: 9,004

b) Less Provincial Share: 4,100 

Net Revenue Receipts (a-b): 4,904

  1. Non-Bank Borrowing (NSSs & Others) – Public Account: 1,996
  2.  Net External Receipts – Fed. Consolidated Fund: 533
  3. Estimated Provincial Surplus: 800
  4. Bank Borrowing (T-Bills, PIBs, Sukuk) – Fed. Consolidated Fund: 1,172
  5. Privatization Proceeds – Fed. Consolidated Fund: 96

TOTAL EXPENDITURE (A+B) Rs. In Billion: 9,502

A. Current: 8,694

Interest Payments: 3,950

Pension: 530

Defence Affairs & Services: 1523

Grants and Transfers to Provinces & Others: 1,242

Subsidies: 699

Running of Civil Govt: 550

Provision for Disaster / Emergency Covid: 100

Provision for Pay & Pension: 100

B. Development: 808

Federal PSDP: 727

Net Lending: 81

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