BEIJING: In an aim to boost mango quality and rev up the mango industry, the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) will join the South and Southeast Asia Mango Network (SSAMN) at the first annual meeting of SSAMN to be held in Kunming, China’s southwest province of Yunnan.
In a written interview with China Economic Net (CEN), Dr Chen Xiuhua, deputy-director of the International Cooperation Division of the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS) and secretary-general of SSAMN, said, “PARC and three other research institutes and universities have submitt proposals for joining the mango network.”
The proposals will deliberated by 16 founding members, Dr. Chen said. “The approval process will take place online. Votes will be collect before the meeting and also during the meeting in case some member institutions do not cast the vote on time.”
Muhammad Arshad, Coordinator Horticulture of PARC, will address the meeting, giving a detailed introduction of the mango industry in Pakistan.
In addition to PARC, said Dr Chen, new members will also include the Malaysian Agricultural Research Development Institute, Madhesh Agricultural University, Nepal and Guangxi University, China.
Established in September 2021 by 16 founding members including YAAS, the South and Southeast Asia Mango Network (SSAMN) aims to ensure the healthy development of the mango industry among members and bring more revenues to mango farmers.
The annual meeting of SSAMN is part of “The 6th Symposium on Exchange and Cooperation to Enhance Innovation for Agricultural Science and Technology in South and Southeast Asia”, a four-day forum to strengthen communication and cooperation in agri-tech among South and Southeast Asian countries.