OGRA, OMCs Discuss Proposals About Deregulation Of Petroleum Product Prices

Ogra Omcs Disscuss

ISLAMABAD: (OGRA) & (OMCs) discuss a meeting  held on Wednesday to discuss the proposals about the deregulation of petroleum product prices.

The meeting presided over by OGRA Chairman Masroor Khan discussed suggestions presented by representatives of OMCs threadbare.

Another meeting would  be with refineries and other stakeholders in second phase to obtain their side of the picture.

Besides developing a roadmap on the way forward with the objective to develop final Terms of Reference (TORs) for deregulation.

Member Gas, Member Oil, Member Finance, other senior executives of OGRA and Ministry of Energy.

(Petroleum Division) with CEO’s of OMC’s, Members of OCAC and other industry players attended the meeting.