National Cyber security Has Been Labeled “incompetent” And “displeasing” By The Govt. After FBR Database Was Attacked

cyber security

ISLAMABAD: National Cyber security Has Been Labeled “incompetent” And “displeasing” , AS Last month the taxpayer
database of FBR  hacked and hackers managed to break the hyper-V software by Microsoft, bringing down all the official
websites operated by the tax machinery. FBR ceased its services for 48 hours following the event.

National Cyber security said  term “displeasing” was use by the Standing Committee on Information Technology and
Telecommunication at a meeting convened to brief committee members on the workings of Pakistan’s Ministry of
Information Technologyand Telecommunication.

Though the reason for the damning statement was not specified by anyone the recent event wherein the national database
which had information about all the taxpayers was attack might be the motivation behind the assessment.

The results of the meeting were share on the official National Assembly page and the statement came forward;

“The Committee expressed its displeasure on the performance of some departments of the Ministry,especially the performance of the Cyber Security Cell.

The Committee directed the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication to address the incompetence of the Cyber Security Cell.”

“The stakeholders, who are being provid services from the data center, are inform that there were
unforeseen anomalies during the migration process,which has resulted in the unavailability of services,
since the early hours of the last night. The FBR team is ensuring the restoration of services as soon as

to keep the downtime to a minimum. This activity is expect to be complete in the next 48 hours.”

The telecommunication sector of Pakistan also faced criticism in that meeting as they failed to provide the expected service
in the flood-affected areas.

Though different telecoms announced to provide the best and even free services in the flood affected areas in case there is
an emergency due to heavy rain and disturbed weather conditions, they have failed to act upon it.

About Haroon Khawaja

Haroon Khawaja Is a Journalist & CEO Of B-Trams , Ex Reporter At Geo News

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