TCP tender documents relaxed to allow wheat import via Gwadar port

Wheat production

ISLAMABAD: The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet has approved dropping of two amendments in TCP tender documents for import of wheat through Gwadar Port for the time being,

Sharing the details, sources said that on October 10, 2022, Ministry of National Food Security and Research briefed the ECC about the new directions regarding:

(i) initiating port operation at Gwadar and the consideration of generating economic activity through earmarking transportation of a portion of procured wheat through Gwadar;

(ii) pre-shipment inspection both at the load port and discharge port by an independent pre-shipment inspection Agency of international repute in discussions involving all key stakeholders.

The Ministry further noted that the feedback received conveyed that increased bids and participation of lesser number of bidders in tender on September 26, 2022 was primarily due to shipment inspections at both ports which had also increased the risk factor.

Ministry for allowing TCP to award wheat import contract

Ministry of National Food Security and Research submitted that in view of higher cost on import of wheat through Gwadar Port and shipment inspections at both ports i.e., load port and discharge port, both amendments to TCP tender documents may be deferred for the time being.

However, pre-shipment inspection should be ensured at the load port from the top-four inspection firms by TCP/Ministry of Commerce. It was further proposed that TCP may also be directed to issue fresh tenders to ensure import of allocated quantity of wheat.

After detailed discussion on the proposal of Ministry of National Food Security and Research, regarding “revision of the directives of PMO on Gwadar Port and procedure for re-shipment inspection Agency for import of wheat”

it was decided “in view of higher cost on import of wheat through Gwadar Port and shipment inspections at both ports i.e., load port and discharge port, both amendments to TCP tender documents may be dropped for the time being. Pre-shipment inspection should be ensured at the load port by one of the top-four inspection firms by TCP/Ministry of Commerce. TCP was directed to issue fresh tenders to ensure import of allocated quantity of wheat.”

The decision of ECC would be implemented after ratification from the Federal Cabinet, the sources added.