Today Shipping Activity At Port Qasim


KARACHI:Shipping Activity at Port Qasim were Three ships namely , White Purl, Meltemi and IVY Alliance carrying LPG, Mogas and Coal, berthed at EngroVopak Terminal, FOTCO Oil Terminal and Pakistan International Bulk Termina respectively.

Meanwhile three more ships, AT middle Bridge, Napa Spirit and Al-Maha scheduled to load/offload Cement, Chemicals and LPG also arrived at outer anchorage of the port during the last 24 hour.

A total of 07 Shipping ships were engaged at Port Qasim Authority  berths during the last 24 hours, out of them a containers ship ‘MeratusJayawijaya’ left the Port on Monday morning.

A Cargo volume of 89,307 tonnes, comprising 62,753 tonnes imports cargo and 26,554 tonnes export cargo, including containerized cargo carried in 1,635` Containers (73 TEUs Imports and 1,562 TEUs export) was handled at the port during last 24 hours.

There are 04 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them, 02 ships, At Middle Bridge and Napa Spirit & 02 more ships, MSC Elaine and Lisa scheduled to load/offload Cement, Chemicals and Containers are expected to take berths at MW-1, EVTL and QICT on Monday.

While trade balance of Pakistan is expected to improve in the coming months on account of import contraction due to a deceleration in domestic economic activities and aggregate demand, the monthly Economic Update and Outlook October 2022 released by the ministry of finance said on Sunday.

“Overall pakistan  economic outlook shows an optimistic picture of the economic performance in the coming months. The CPI inflation is declining, rupee has gained stability, current account balance is on improving trend. These development indicate that economic activity will remain positive and persistent in coming months”, the report added