Pakistan’s REER falls 96.2 in December

Pakistan’s Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) saw a significant decrease in December, as it clocked in at 96.2 compared to 98.9 in November, showed data released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Wednesday.
As per the data, the REER decreased by 0.6% on a yearly basis. On a monthly basis, the REER value declined by 2.74%.
Meanwhile, the Nominal Effective Exchange rate Index (NEER) declined by 3.15% MoM in December 2022 to a provisional value of 46.24 from 47.75 in November 2022.

On a yearly basis, the NEER index fell by 15.18% YoY from the value of 54.52 in December 2021.

A REER below 100 means the country’s exports are competitive, while imports are expensive. Experts say that a REER close to 100 means that the currency does not favour export competitiveness or imports.

The SBP says a REER index of 100 should not be misinterpreted as denoting the equilibrium value of the currency. “Movement of the REER away from 100 simply reflects changes relative to its average value in 2010 and is unrelated to its equilibrium value,” the central bank said in an explanatory note on the topic.

Experts attributed the development to rupee’s depreciation against the US dollar during the month of December, whereas the inflation rate sort of stabilised at 24.5% in the month of December in comparison to 23.8% in November.

Market experts say the decrease in REER value makes Pakistan’s exports more competitive.

What is REER?

As per the central bank, REER is an index of the price of a basket of goods in one country relative to the price of the same basket in that country’s major trading partners.

“The prices of these baskets expressed in the same currency using the nominal exchange rate with each trading partner. The price of each trading partner’s basket is weighted by its share in imports, exports, or total foreign trade,”

About Abdul Hameed

Abdul Hameed is a (B-Trams) Researcher & Analyst Of Palm Oil Market. also Director OF Sales At Manzoor trading. Co.

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