Today Soybean Futures Market & Global Production Forecast | April 22, 2024

Soybean futures

Soybean Market Futures Trends and Projections

Today soybean futures May delivery have surges by 10.5¢, reaching $11.61¼ per bushel. Concurrently, soymeal experienced a Up of $0.6 to $343.90 per short ton, while soy oil displayed resilience, surges 0.66¢ to reach 45.06¢ per pound.



Contract Last Change Open High Low Close
24-May 11.61 10.5 11.4775 11.67 11.445 11.61
24-Jul 11.765 10.75 11.625 11.8225 11.5975 11.7675
24-Aug 11.785 11.75 11.6325 11.8375 11.6125 11.785

Soybean Oil

Contract Last Change Open High Low Close
24-May 0.4504 0.66 0.4447 0.455 0.4436 0.4506
24-Jul 0.4566 0.72 0.45 0.4612 0.4491 0.4567
24-Aug 0.4586 0.72 0.452 0.4628 0.4511 0.4586

Soybean Meal

Contract Last Change Open High Low Close
24-May 3.443 0.6 3.425 3.467 3.389 3.439
24-Jul 3.448 1.6 3.419 3.467 3.383 3.445
24-Aug 3.453 1.9 3.422 3.468 3.387 3.45

Global Soybean Production Forecast for 2024/25

  • Analyzing the Predicted Soybean Output

The global soybean production outlook for the 2024/25 season remains steady, with projections suggesting a yield of approximately 413 million tons. This forecast, disclosed in the April report by the International Grains Council (IGC), mirrors the figures outlined in the previous month’s report. Notably, the anticipated oilseed harvest is poised to witness a notable uptick of nearly 6%, reaching 390 million tonnes compared to the previous year.

  • Anticipated Stockpile and Consumption Trends

Industry experts anticipate a surge in carry-over stocks and global consumption for the upcoming season. Projections suggest an increase in carry-over stocks to approximately 75 million tonnes, a notable rise from the previous estimate of 67 million tonnes for the 2023/24 season. Similarly, global consumption is expected to reach around 404 million tonnes, maintaining stability compared to the previous year.

  • Exploring Soybean Exports for 2024/25

Forecasts indicate a rise in global soybean exports for the 2024/25 season, with an estimated volume of 172 million tonnes, up from 167 million tonnes reported in the preceding year.

USDA’s Weekly Grain Export Inspections( Week Ended April 18, 2024   )


Actual (MT)


Expectations (MT)



Export inspections are up 270,017 MT from last week’s tally. Inspections are running 35.5% ahead of a year ago, compared to 33.7% ahead last week. USDA projects exports in 2023-24 at 2.100 billion bu., 26.4% above the previous marketing year.


Actual (MT)


Expectations (MT)



Export inspections are down 11,314 MT from last week’s tally. Inspections are running 18.2% behind a year ago, compared to 18.5% behind last week. USDA’s 2023-24 export forecast of 1.700 billion bu., which is 14.7% below 2022-23.

Market Dynamics Driving Production

The growth trajectory of soybean production in the upcoming season is largely attributed to the escalating demand for this crop in the market. While corn and soybeans are witnessing moderate increases, there’s a shift in dynamics as planting activities intensify. Forecasts indicate a subdued impact from the developing La Niña phenomenon on U.S. crops, thereby alleviating some weather-related concerns.

  • Market Share Dynamics

A notable shift in market share dynamics is observed, particularly concerning soybean exports to China. The United States is witnessing a decline in market share, losing ground to Brazil. During the first quarter of 2024, China’s soybean imports from the U.S. plummeted by 50%, whereas imports from Brazil surged by 155%. Market share data illustrates Brazil’s dominance, accounting for 54% of soybean shipments to China, compared to 38% for the United States. Similarly, March saw a substantial increase in corn imports from Brazil to China, further highlighting the evolving market dynamics.

Soybean Harvest Update from Argentina

In Argentina, soybean harvesting progress is underway, with approximately 10.6% of the crop harvested as of the previous week. Yield assessments indicate varying figures across regions, with the average nationwide yield reported at 3,570 kg/ha. However, The 2023/24 Argentina soybean estimate was left unchanged this week at 51.0 million tons. The Buenos Aires Grain exchange lowered the soybean estimate last week by 1.5 million tons to 51.0 million. The USDA left the Argentina soybean estimate unchanged last week at 50.0 million tons. The soybeans in Argentina were rated 22% short/very short, 47% fair, and 31% good/excellent as of late last week. The good/excellent percentage was up 1% from the prior week. Concerns over declining yields persist in certain regions, as highlighted by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.

Kyrgyzstan’s Endeavor to Boost Vegetable Oil Production

Kyrgyzstan aims to bolster its domestic production of vegetable oils, as highlighted by the Ministry of Water and Agriculture. With a focus on expanding cultivation areas for oilseeds and establishing processing facilities, the nation seeks to address the shortfall in vegetable oil supply. Despite a steady demand for vegetable oils, the processing industry remains underdeveloped, accounting for only 5% of the market.

Profitability Insights from the Ryazan Region

The Ryazan region in Russia witnessed a favorable profitability rate of nearly 40% in oilseed production at the end of the previous year. Despite a slight decline compared to the previous year, the region maintains a robust performance in oilseed cultivation. In general, the profitability of agricultural production in the Ryazan region was 17.4%, which is 6% lower than in 2022. Profitability in crop production fell from 47.2% to 28%. However, profitability in grain production witnessed a sharper decline, attributed to fluctuating market prices. Overall, agricultural profitability in the region experienced a moderate decrease, reflecting the broader market dynamics.

Brazil’s Corn Crop Estimates and Weather Challenges

Brazil’s National Supply Company revised its estimates for the second corn crop, projecting a slight decrease to 86.5 million metric tons. Weather challenges persist, with regions like Mato Grosso do Sul experiencing delays in planting due to insufficient rainfall. As soybean harvest wraps up – 85% complete overall – some states are seeing delays. Rio Grande do Sul has 50% complete compared to the 65% five-year average. The state is expected to have a record harvest of 22 million metric tons. Many farmers have sped up harvest in the last few days as the forecast calls for 2 inches of rain this week,  However, favorable conditions in other regions, coupled with improved weather forecasts, offer prospects for enhanced planting progress. As soybean harvest concludes, attention shifts to addressing potential delays and optimizing harvest operations to mitigate weather-related risks.

Click Here To View April 19, 2024 Report

In conclusion, the soybean market’s intricacies reflect a delicate dance of supply, demand, and global dynamics. As we navigate these fluctuations, staying attuned to market trends and agricultural forecasts is paramount across the supply chain. So we are predicting that soybean market project a Neutral  trend Projections and as well in hovering within the range of $11.0 to $12.0 per bushel.